No Class Wednesday Night , October 23rd, 2013
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Homework for Group Classes!
Basic Class:
Week 3:
Continue to practice only 10-15 min per session, 1-2 times per day.
- Heeling with Turns (Remember long Patterns, and sharp turns-no lazy turns.)
- Heel to a Sit
- Recalls: Have someone hold onto your leash, run away, have your food ready, turn around and call your dog. Back up as he/she is coming to you. Target your food by your tummy. Once there have them sit and praise verbally, stroking and feeding!
- Down Stays-start small! The higher the distraction, the closer you need to be to your dog at first. If they break, calmly bring them back to Home Base.
***Remember do not command unless you can follow through, and 0 Tolerance***
Intermediate Class:
Practice 3 things:
1. Your body language and your dog’s position to your body. Remember, keep your feet straight, body straight, Dog straight on your left side.
2. Incorporate your new turns into your patterns: Turn Into (dog goes around behind you, Left and Right, Left about and Right About turns). Stay sharp on your turns!
3. Obstacles! Almost anything can be a new obstacle. Remember to use a specific command per obstacle and number one most important thing is SAFETY.
Happy Training!