The K-9 Clinic

Announcements March 17th, 2015

Come visit our YouTube video!

**** To view our Youtube video,  please click on this link   The K-9 Clinic ****



  • Wednesday Night Class -March 18th,  2015  at 6:00pm at The K-9 Clinic.  Intermediate and Advanced levels welcome.  Cost for this class is $25
  • Thursday Obedience Class (Intermediate and Advanced)    this  Thursday, March 19th, 2015 at 3:00pm. Cost for this class is $35 (Members $30)

  • New Obedience Classes start Saturday, March 21st, 2015.  Please view our calendar for class times. If you would like to sign up for class, please email us at info@k9clinic.comor call (831)684.0861. Please be sure to call if there is questionable weather!
  • Questionable weather? Please call our recorder the morning of training at (831)684.0861 or check our website for the latest updates on training conditions.

Need Directions? Visit our Contact page, please note our office is closed Mondays.

Homework for Group Classes!

Basic Class and Puppy Imprinting Class:

Remember to practice only 10-15 min per session, 1-2 times per day.

  • Heel to a sit:  No more pulling, sniffing while heeling
  • Everytime you stop, make your dog sit!
  • Sit to A Down. Start with small circles around your dog and gradually increase the size of the circle.  Try circling the other direction as well.
  • Recalls with a Stranger:  Have someone hold onto your leash, remember to feed and then run away.  Turn around and Recall your dog with his/her name and the command.  Back up as he/she is approaching.  Have them sit and then feed them and praise simultaneously

***Remember do not correct unless you can follow through, and 0 Tolerance***

Intermediate Class:

Practice 10-15 min per session, 1-2 times per day

  • Continue practicing your down stays, start increasing, time, distance and distractions
  • If they break the down, Long Dark Road
  • Have fun with your dogs and try some obstacles on your walk-Remember, SAFETY is the number 1 rule!