*** To view our YouTube video, please click on this link The K-9 Clinic***
”Though we know for sure that we need rain, we have so much that we cant’t train. Look forward to some days with sun and getting back to dog training fun!” -Debbie Ogawa, K-9 Clinic Trainer
**ATTN: Saturday, March 18th, 2023 – ALL Classes Cancelled due to weather, field, and parking conditions. Due to continuing rain, please check back here next week for classes March 25th, 2023. Please always check the day of classes. We will always update by 7am Saturday day of classes at the latest, when possible even sooner. We look forward to seeing you all then***
New Classes will begin on March 25th, 2023 at 8:30am, weather and field conditions permitting. New Basic and Puppies/Dogs please arrive no later than 8:15am Cost for classes is $75/class or $260/4 classes ($240 if cash paid) Please email us at info@k9clinic.com prior to attending class to confirm your registration
Questionable Weather? Please check the website on this page before coming out for training. We will post here if classes are cancelled.
Note: The K-9 Clinic will be closed the 1st Saturday of every month and will not have classes.
Group Classes? Please check back here every few weeks for an update or send us an email at info@k9clinic.com ***
Note: The K-9 Clinic will be closed the 1st Saturday of every month and will not have classes.
Email is the BEST and only way to get into contact with us, please allow one business day to return your email – info@k9clinic.com